The Town of Clarenville seeks proposals for “Canteen Operations” at the Eastlink Events Centre as set forth in this Request for Proposals (RFP). The successful proponent will assume canteen operations & management at the Eastlink Events Centre.
The anticipated start date is October of 2024. The term of the lease is for a one-year period with option for a one-year extension. The one-year extension would be automatically renewed unless either party provided 90 day’s notice of termination.
To obtain specifications package please contact the Town Office at (709) 466-7937 or email
Proposals will be received up to 4:00 pm on July 5th, 2024. Submit Proposals in a sealed envelope marked “Canteen Operations – EEC” or email to:
Erin Dicks
Town Clerk
Town of Clarenville
99 Pleasant Street
Clarenville, NL
A5A 1V9